
Yeah absolutely, where's the info I can look at and sign up for the challenge?

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Thank you Jamie !

I have made a 5 day challenge here on substack many month ago, but it did not work (no engagement, comments, etc). The niche is very special (ancestral healing), but my imported email subscribers knows the subjects, and nobody played. I don’t know what I did wrong, maybe i didn’t use the right tool and have to start again differently? Can we take a look together ?

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Curious about the Video Answer digital product, Jamie. Is this a one-off video of a FAQ from customers or a top Google Trend or something? Love to see this breakdown.

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It can go both ways.

Pay to ask a question and get a custom answer. (You can set a price for private answer and cheaper for public answer you can share).

Create the video answer to a popular question and sell it.

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Pretty interesting there. Thought of “mini courses” before—but not that mini. Great idea!

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I always ask myself: "how can I make this more minimalist" loll

If ever I start trying to sell the words from the answer separately, please stop me!

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Haha — could just lead to more questions!

Really liking this minimalist approach. Keep it simple and find what resonates!

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I guess convert kit free version doesn't allow email sequences. does it?

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I believe they allow 1 with their newsletter plan, but I haven't tried it.

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Love these ideas 💡 Brilliant

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Thanks Phil 😁

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